Registration of an individual entrepreneur
200 €
Introductory consultation of an individual entrepreneur
100 €
including setting up a system of reporting and communication with the accountant
Preparation and submission of the annual report
200 €
Registration of the individual entrepreneur in an insurance company
50 €

Purchase of established business
Private entrepreneur registration
200 €
Company establishment: Limited liability company
700 €
Company establishment: Joint Stock Company
2 000 €
Company establishment: Simple Joint Stock Company
1 500 €
Ready made company - non VAT payer
1 000 €
Ready made company - VAT payer
4 000 €
Seal / Stamp
100 €
10 additional types of business activities
20 €
Licensed business activity
50 €
Change in a Companies Register
200 €
Registration with an insurance company or tax authorities
50 €
VAT registration
400 €
EORI registration
100 €
(needed for export or import from / to EU)
Meeting the notification duties with governmental agencies
50 €
The liquidation of Company
1 500 €
the minimum cost
The liquidation of private entrepreneurship
500 €
Registered seat after the first year (per year)
400 €
Receiving of post
0.50 €
over 5 letters/month, per letter


Submission of a monthly/quarterly VAT report included

Mounthly packages
number of accounting entries
Packages of
double-entry bookkeeping
not a VAT payer/VAT payer
up to 25 entries
150€ / 200€
+ 25 entries
+ 50€

Physical person's income tax return
100 €
Type A
Physical person's income tax return
300 €
Type B
Individual entrepreneur's income tax return
from 300€
Tax return - vehicle
60 €
Tax return - real estate
130 €
Legal person's income tax return
monthly payment x 2
Consultations on accounting or taxes (per hour)
100 €

Each package includes: payroll, electronic communication with all institutions, instructions to the bank

Package MINI
25 €
up to 10 employees, per employee
Package MEDIUM
22 €
11-50 employees, per employee
Package MAXI
20 €
from 51 employees, per employee
Annual tax calculation
25/22/20 €
per employee, depending on the tariff

Package «Turnkey business»
7 000 €
(1 year) = RP for family + Business accelerator
Package «Business Accelerator»
750 €
up to 15 hours of online/offline consultations per month
Package «Individual support VIP»
1 200 €
up to 15 hours of online/offline consultations per month
Annual package of online/offline support on: business and accounting, payroll and process optimization, personnel management and investments
The price is indicated for 1 month, subject to the signing of a contract for at least 1 year.
Full price of the annual package - 14 400 €
Package «Intensive maintenance»
3 500 €
80 hours - Online/offline support package on: business and accounting, payroll and process optimization, personnel management and investments.
Term of active use: 6 months.
The price is for the package of support.

Real estate services while selling / buying the property
Real estate services while renting the property
1 month price
Changing utilities to your name after buying a real estate
200 €

Trademark registration in Slovakia
400 €
Trademark registration in the European Union
500 €
Verification of already registered trademarks in Slovakia
100 €
Verification of already registered trademarks in the European Union
200 €

Temporary residence permit - Business
1 900 €
Temporary residence permit - Family reunion
700 €
address not included
Temporary residence permit - Child
350 €
address not included
Temporary residence permit - Study
600 €
address not included
Temporary residence permit - Work
1 200 €
address not included
Temporary residence permit - EU Blue card
1 250 €
address not included
Temporary residence permit - Seasonal job
900 €
address not included
Temporary residence permit - Sportsman
600 €
address not included
Temporary residence permit - Other purposes
600 €
address and translations not included
Change from other permit to business
1 600 €
Address for a residince permit / year
200 €
Prolongation of working permit
200 €
Working permit for a seasonal job
250 / 500 € 
up to 90 / more than 90 days
Prolongation of temporary residence permit - Business
900 €
address and translations not included
Prolongation of temporary residence permit - Family reunion
500 €
address and translations not included
Prolongation of temporary residence permit - Children
150 €
address and translations not included
Prolongation of temporary residence permit - Studying
200 €
address and translations not included
Prolongation of temporary residence permit - Work
700 €
address and translations not included
Prolongation of temporary residence permit - EU Blue card
800 €
address and translations not included
Prolongation of temporary residence permit - Other purposes
350 €
address and translations not included
Permanent residence permit for EU citizen
500 / 400 €
for an adult / child
Change of address / new ID due to address
150 €
Change of address / new ID due to address - Child
50 €
New ID due to passport / lost ID
100 €
Permanent residence permit
600 / 400 €
for an adult / child
Applying to the foreign police with a director of ALKUR
300 €
Consultations on RP / Preparation for a police interview (per hour)
100 €
Securing medical coverage through European Health Insurance Card
50 €
Accompaniment (w/o translation) at a police interview (per hour)
25 €
Additional fees apply for the accompaniment out of Bratislava

Personal bank account
300 - 500 €

Corporate bank account
300 €
for a Slovak company

Corporate bank account
500 €
for a Slovak company with a foreigner as a director or founder
Corporate bank account
1 000 €
for a continental company

Corporate bank account
1 200 €
for an UK / Cyprus company

Private account: private / premium banking
300 €

Internet banking training, activation of services, showing payments (per hour)
50 €

Diploma recognition
600 / 450 €
regulated / unregulated profession
High school diploma recognition
400 €
Preparation of a visa invitation letter
50 €
Consultations in preparation of documents for a visa
50 €
Exchange of driver's license to a Slovak one, 2 pages translation
160 €
from 30 €
from/to Russian / English / Ukrainian (per page)
Apostille on a notary / court / translator
50 €
Apostille on a tax office / criminal record
60 €
Translation (per hour)
25 €
Sending documents by an express mail
Other consultations (per hour)
50 - 100 €