The potential of Ukrainian-Slovak cooperation "Challenges and Opportunities"
October 27, 2022
from 09:30 to 12:00
Hotel Saffron
Radlinského 27, Bratislava
Robert Šimončič
Welcome speech by a special guest
Eduard Buraš
adviser to the Prime Minister of the Slovak Republic for cross-border cooperation
The current situation in Ukraine
Yevgen Ostreyko
the owner of a chemical plant (Dnipro, Ukraine)
Problems of site selection and organization of new production in Slovakia as an example of a chemical plant from the occupied regions of southeastern Ukraine
Oleg Krystiuk
owner, visioner Colorway
Case Study: ColorWay brand in Slovakia and the EU (The beginning)
Alona Kurotová
CEO, ALKUR s.r.o.
Presentation of the Slovak-Ukrainian business agency project
Lukáš Parízek
zakladateľ iniciatívy Exporté
The perspective of bilateral Ukrainian-Slovak cooperation (restoration of Ukraine)
Marian Neradný
CEO, Mediado s.r.o.
Ukrainian investments in Slovakia (investment relocation and related issues)
Alexander Abramov
representative of the city council in Kharkiv
The perspective of bilateral Ukrainian-Slovak cooperation (restoration of Ukraine)
Dmytro Konyshev
director of the economic section of the Ukrainian embassy (until 2021)
Presentation of the Ukrainian-Slovak Business Agency project
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