Registration of an accredited educational program (manicure, hairdressing, cosmetics)
How can you grow your business? Why accreditation can be profitable?
The topic we are going to bring up now is accreditation of training programs: nail technician, hairdresser, cosmetologist (see the full list of qualifications for which it is possible to create an accredited training program at the end of the article).
Accreditation of a educational program is done by the Ministry of Education. And this refers to the Law on Postgraduate Training. Education, of course, can be obtained in secondary schools, but organizations and legal entities also have the opportunity to provide training, if they are engaged in business or consider themselves professionals in this field.
For example, a hairdressing salon, which has its own methodology, can write a training program. And if this educational program meets the requirements of the Ministry of Education, this program can be accredited.
For registration, it is necessary to study the law 568/2009 “On Continuing Education” and the secondary law act 97/2010. All three fields can be accredited programs (hairdresser, nail technician and cosmetologist), as they lead to future employment in the profession and are on the list of professions for accreditation. The application is processed up to 120 days and the application fee is 100 euros per program. Each profession is submitted with a separate application.
The 6 steps to registering an accredited educational program:
Checking the possibility of submitting an application to the Ministry of Education of the SR.
Writing an educational program in accordance with the structure given in the legislation.
Providing the material and technical basis for the implementation of the program (carried out directly in your salon).
The guarantor of the program is a natural person who has the education and experience necessary to organize, maintain the quality and coordination of the lecturers, he cannot, however, conduct the training.
Preparation of the lecturer profile and selection of several lecturers to work with.
Applying through the ISVD system. This is a system of the Ministry of Education, which allows you to submit an application, check the availability of the application when accrediting the program.
These are all services that ALKUR can provide you with.
Prices and lead times
When it comes to registering accredited education programs, it is important to understand that each of these programs has its own registration process and cost. This means that fees are paid separately for each program, not all at once.
We could divide the procedure into parts and evaluate each part.
Preliminary communication with the Ministry could be conducted during 4-5 hours of work, where materials will be collected, a meeting with responsible persons will be organized and an initial assessment of the success of the project will be made. The cost of an hour is 100*5=500 euros, if you buy a package of 10 hours 750 euros.
We could outsource the writing of the educational program or you could write it yourself and then translate it into Slovak. It is difficult to estimate the cost at the stage of project evaluation.
When accrediting an educational program, it is important to ensure that it meets all the requirements for material and technical facilities. We offer advice on how to improve and upgrade your salon. Cost of the service: 100 euros per hour.
Finding a guarantor for the program: recruiting services, 2-month salaries, but minimum 1,000 euros.
Search for several lecturers (minimum 2): recruiting services, monthly labor fee: min. 500 euros/each. This step can be done in cooperation with our school - iCan. It is very important to have not only a program that is accredited, but also very good lecturers who will keep the student's interest for 2 months or 450 hours.
Submission of the application, monitoring of the process and communication with state authorities during the review process (120 days) - 1,300 euros.
We hope for further successful cooperation.
List of qualifications for which it is possible to create an accredited educational program:
Auto Repairman-Mechanic (Autoopravár-mechanik)
Plumber (Inštalatér)
Insulator (Izolatér)
Lecturer (Lektor)
Warehouse Worker (Skladník)
Maltster and Brewer (Sladovník a pivovarník)
Sommelier (Somelier)
Tour Guide (Sprievodca cestovného ruchu)
Construction Sheet Metal Worker (Stavebný klampiar)
Employee for Management, Administration, and Implementation of EU-funded Projects (Pracovník riadenia, administrácie a implementácie projektov financovaných EÚ)
Joiner (Tesár)
Tutor in the Adult Lifelong Learning Consulting Process (Tútor v poradenskom procese pre dospelých v oblasti celoživotného vzdelávania)
Wellness Worker - Massage Services (Wellness pracovník - masérske služby)